Through the Spanish Lens: Women Behind the Camera -
Es un curso para estudiantes de honores y sólo se rune 1 vez por semana, por 50 minutos. Es una clase introductoria y en inglés-
Diseñado por Eva París-Huesca
Mujeres detrás de la cámara. Introducción al cine español dirigido por mujeres -
Es un seminario para estudiantes (undergrads) de español (nivel avanzado) y se reúne dos veces por semana (total 150 minutos).
Diseñado por Eva París-Huesca
Graduate Class: Aging Studies, Gender and Cinema
Es un seminario de doctorado en español de 10 semanas- sobre cines ibéricos con referencias a otros cines
Diseñado por Barbara Zecchi
Undergraduate Class: Analyzing Almodóvar
This is a course dedicated to an in-depth analysis of the films of Pedro Almodóvar from both a national and global perspective through a feminist approach.
Designed by Christina Beaubien
Transnational Journeys in European Women’s Filmmaking
The purpose of this course is to examine award winning films directed by European women, from activist documentaries to experimental and mainstream features.
Designed by Flavia Laviosa
Italian Women Directors: The Female Authorial Voice in Italian Cinema
This course examines the films of major Italian women directors across several artistic generations: Liliana Cavani and Lina Wertmüller in the 1970s; Cristina and Francesca Comencini, and Francesca Archibugi in the 2000s; Laura Bispuri and Alice Rohrwacher in the 2010s.
Designed by Flavia Laviosa